Thursday, July 31, 2008

Our Visit with Tony!

Last night Rob and our friend Tony went sailing and then Tony spent the night. It was so wonderful to see him! This morning, Tony, Max, Eli and I went out for a walk and out to breakfast. Tony was a trouper. He pushed Max on his tricycle, but Max kept jumping off (while the bike was moving) and finally ended up walking most of the way with Tony holding on to his "leash" and pushing the empty trike at the same time. Thank goodness we had Max's monkey backpack so that he couldn't run into the street! I never thought I would be the type of parent to use the leash, but now I think its great! :-) It gives Max the freedom to walk around without me worrying about him getting hit by a car. Below are some pictures of us out and about.

Max wearing my sunglasses. He is such a goofball - I love it!

Tony and Max. Tony was great with Max. They had a lot of fun together.

Tony was such a good sport about pushing the empty tricycle and walking with Max. Going anywhere with Max walking takes forever since he has to stop and look at every flower and bush.

1 comment:

the main stitch upholstery said...

i so would have used a leash if they had the backpack kind for my kiddos. they are super cute and it is much more reassuring to have them close. i love all of the pics. i lost my harddrive and just got back up thursday so i will try to keep up again. yeah for swimming lessons!