Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Boys

So, right now Rob is in Oregon for a sailboat race and I am home with the boys. Rob was so excited to go to this regatta and will be up there for a week. I'm a bit jealous and wish I was up there too!! I love the Hood River area and have had such a great time the last few years we have gone to this race. But it would be too difficult with the two boys to go this regatta, and I am not sure they would be up for such a long road trip. I do hope that Rob has a great time though, and kicks butt in his races. I know he was looking forward to a week of uninterrupted sleep!

This, however, is going to be a nice week for me too. My sister is flying up on Thursday with her son Harrison and I am so excited to see them!! Yay! We are going to hang out here on Friday and then head up to my parents for their annual 4th of July party (which is clearly being held late this year!) :-) It should be a lot of fun. I am also really excited to meet my brother Davis's new girlfriend, Liz. She seems really sweet and it sounds like she loves Davis a ton. Davis sounds happier than he has ever been. I am really happy for them. Liz has an eighteen month old son who I know Max will have fun playing with. The crazy thing is that her son's name is Elias!! What are the odds of that?!

It is amazing how quickly the time goes by. My Eli will be 11 weeks old tomorrow - I can't believe it! He is growing so quickly and is such a sweet boy. He has been giving me lots of smiles and is getting a bit more assertive. The poor kid has had a small cold for the last week and has goopy eyes. I am constantly having to wipe his eyes with a warm cloth so that they don't get too crusty. Gross. Below are some pictures of the boys. The one of Max in his big boy chair really cracks me up.

This picture makes Max look like such a couch potato! I love how he is holding the remotes. . . . such a guy! Generally I let him watch one show a day (when I need to get something done), and he really likes a show called Hi-5. It's pretty cute.

Eli is rolling over a ton. It is really fun to see.

This is just before our morning walk. We've been taking walks pretty early in the morning lately and Max really likes it. I throw both the kids in the wagon and we walk up to Safeway so I can get a Chai Tea at Starbucks and Max can split a blueberry bagel with me. He loves it. He now says "walk," although it his "w" sounds more like a "c." For a day or so (until I figured out what he was saying) I was wondering who taught him a naughty word!! :-)

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