Thursday, May 26, 2011

Stella Is Here!

Our baby girl, Stella Anne, arrived yesterday and we are so happy she is here.  Here is a quick recap of her birth:  I checked in to the hospital about 8 a.m. for registration and was in my hospital room by around 9 getting prepped.  At about 9:30 they started me on the lowest dose of pitocin to get labor started.  I was about 1 cm dialated at that time, and Stella was showing no indications that she wanted to come out -  hence the induction!  I was barely feeling contractions for the first several hours and was just reading magazines and chatting with my mom and Rob.  At around 12:30, my doctor, Kelly Shanahan, broke my water and they upped the pitocin.  I started to feel the contractions a bit more after that, but it was still super mild overall and I wasn't in much pain.  Our friend Ike dropped in around 3:00 to say hello and brought us some flowers.  He left at about 3:30 when my doctor wanted to check how far along I was (I was at about a 4-5) at that point.  Right after that I started to really hurt and the contractions were getting worse.  I was checked again at 4:00 and I was at 5-6 cm.  The next 20 minutes I was in EXTREME pain and they checked me again and at around 4:20 and I was at an 8-9.  Stella was born at 4:31 p.m.  Basically, I had an hour of pretty painful labor and managed to push her out with one (extremely painful) contraction.  No epidural or other drugs - so that was good!  I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to make it through this time without pain meds, but this ended up being the easiest of my three deliveries.  And I have bounced back really quickly.  I actually feel really great and plan to take Stella out for a nice walk tomorrow. 

She weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.  Crazy!  Almost 2 pounds heavier than both Max and Eli.  We couldn't believe it.  She is a super sweet baby and the boys seem to really like her.  There was a random Spring snow storm the day of her birth - May 25, 2011.  Stella had a bunch of visitors the evening she was born.  My mom was there, Rob, Davis came by to say hello, Sarah, Stephanie and Erin.  The next morning Nichole dropped by to meet Stella before we left the hospital.  Bridgette and Lisa S. came by the house later in the day on May 26 and brought us dinner, Sarah also stopped by and brought us some cake (yum!).  Everyone has been very sweet and excited about Stella's arrival.  We are lucky to have so many wonderful friends. 

Below are a few photos of Miss Stella.  She is a beauty. 
 This is less than 24 hours old.  Love her chubby cheeks. 
 My sweet girl. 
 Eli, Max and their little sister.  Max is super excited.  Eli is a bit ambivalent.  :-) 
In the car seat coming home from the hospital. 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

Tomorrow morning I head to the hospital to be induced.  I can't believe Stella is going to be here.  It still seems a bit surreal to me that I am going to have another child - and a daughter!  I've been so busy for the last year or so that I have not really had time to dwell on this pregnancy, or how I am going to handle three little ones.  All will be great though, I am sure! 

This has actually been a much easier pregnancy compared to the boys.  With Max and Eli I developed high blood pressure at the end of each pregnancy, which is why I was induced.  With this one, my blood pressure hasn't gone up at all.  I delivered both boys in my 38th week, so at 39 weeks this is the longest I have been pregnant!  Hopefully it will be a relatively easy, fast and uneventful delivery.  I'm definitely feeling a bit nervous.  I managed to deliver Max and Eli without an epidural and I would really like to do that again, but I'm not sure if I am as prepared this time. . . . we will see how it all works out. 

A few days ago we took some family photos and belly shots.  I booked them at the very last minute!  I almost didn't take any, but since this is the LAST time I will be pregnant, I thought we should do it.  We will have newborn photos taken in a few weeks.  Below are a few photos from the belly shoot. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Max and Eli's School Awards

Max and Eli both go to the greatest preschool.  They do the cutest Christmas and Spring programs where all of the kids sing and show off their art from the semester.  At the Spring program, they also give out end of the year awards to all of the kids and their teachers say a little something about them.  It is very sweet.  Max's teacher awarded him the "budding artist" award, since he is such a great little artist.  Max really does amaze me constantly with his artistic ability.  I have no idea where this has come from, but he is pretty awesome for his age.  Eli was awarded the "architectural award" because he is so good at building things and putting things together.  That is pretty impressive for a just-turned three year old!  :-) 

Needless to say, we are very proud of our kiddos.  It is neat to see them blossom and find things that they excel at.
 They love each other (most of the time!). 
The boys have been all about Star Wars and Superheros this past year.  Spiderman, Batman, Justice League. . . . you  name it. 

T-Minus 4 Days Until Stella's Arrival!

My Dr. has scheduled me for an induction on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 if Stella does not make her appearance beforehand.  I will be exactly 39 weeks and I am SO ready to meet her, and not be pregnant anymore.  :-)

This morning Rob, Max, Eli and I went to the meadow for some professional "belly" shots.  I am glad we did it because I have taken virtually no photos of me pregnant this go around.  I think the photographer got a bunch of fun pictures of the boys too, so I cannot wait to see the results.  We spent the rest of the day doing projects around the house and getting the yard cleaned up now that it looks like we won't have anymore snow (thank goodness).  I am ready for some warm weather!

Below are a few recent pictures of the boys.  They are getting so big.  Max is now 4, but thinks he is going to turn 5 at any minute.  :-)  Eli just turned 3 a few weeks ago.  They are wonderful boys.

 Max working on his letters. 
 My cutie, Eli.  He is getting so big.  He is just now starting to potty train and I am very proud of him.  He can be a bit stubborn, so he made us wait until HE decided he was ready. 
 I love Eli's smile.  Such a handsome guy. 
  These boys crack me up! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Back on the Wagon

I have been terrible about posting on this family blog - primarily because life has been SO BUSY with work and the boys.  And it is just going to get busier!  We are expecting a baby girl this month, in late May.  We are naming her Stella Anne Woelfel.  I cannot wait for her to get here! 

The backstory to this pregnancy is as follows:  We had no plans to have a third child and Stella is our wonderful surprise.  About 9 months ago Rob was picking up Max and Eli at their preschool and one of the teachers came up to Rob and said "I don't mean to pry, but are you and Jessica expecting another baby?  Max has been telling everyone his mommy has a baby in her belly."  Rob and I thought this was hilarious and said absolutely not!!!  However, two weeks later I started to feel under the weather, so I got a pregnancy test and it was positive.  Complete shock. 

So, I asked Max - in jest - if the baby was a boy or a girl.  He said, "it's a girl, and her name is Stella."  :-) 

At my 14 week ultrasound I was convinced that I saw boy parts, and the Dr. didn't disagree.  I told Max that I thought it was a boy, and he threw a fit and yelled "No!  It's a girl and her name is Stella!"  At my 20 week ultrasound we were shocked to learn that the baby is indeed a girl!  So, we are naming her Stella.  How could we not, right?