Sunday, July 27, 2008

Photos From Our Visit To the Little Farm

Below are a few photos of our visit last week to the little farm. Max really enjoyed it. He has been really into animals lately. His favorite book right now is "The Big Red Barn," and he likes pointing at all the animals and hearing what sounds they make. He knows that a cow says "mooo" and a rooster says "cock-a-doodle-dooo" - although Max calls it "do-do-dooooo" - and makes those sounds when he sees their pictures. When we saw the real deal at the little farm he started mooing and do-do-doooing. :-) I'm going to have to get it on video because it's the cutest thing ever.

Sitting and looking at the cows.

My boys and I taking a little break from feeding the animals.

Max feeding the goats. He was a little shy about getting up close to the animals this time. He would hold out the celery and then as soon as the goat would get up close he would back away. He kept teasing the poor animals!

Picking little flowers in the grass. This is another thing Max has been really into lately. He loves flowers. I have been trying to get him to stop picking all of them and to instead smell them. So today at the park we walked around smelling all of the flowers. It was fun. Then he picked one to carry home with him.

1 comment:

James, Mollie, Caryes, Wesley, and Gavin said...

The video of Eli laughing is just adorable!! Also, his birth announcement was GORGEOUS!! I loved all the pictures....just priceless.