Some of my friends know that during my pregnancy with Eli I started getting horrible gallstone attacks, which were insanely painful. I hoped and hoped that the gallstone attacks would stop after I delivered Eli, but they didn't and I have had three attacks in the last eight weeks. I had my last one late on Saturday night and was in so much pain I made Rob wake up the kids, load them in the car and take me to the emergency room. After having an ultrasound and confirming that it was indeed gallstones, they admitted me and took out my gallblader early Sunday morning. I am SO HAPPY it is over and done with. I'm still in a bit of pain from the surgery, but am recovering and am doing a lot better now.
I have never had surgery before, and it was crazy. I was really nervous about the anesthesia, but the doctor put me at ease. It was so weird to be awake one second, then the next thing I know I am waking up again and the surgery is over. My first words upon waking up and being told my gallblader was out was "can I see it?" I think the doctor thought I was crazy. :-) And yes, I was a bit out of it, although I still sortof wished I could have seen my gallbladder. :-)
The first 24 hours after surgery were tough. I was pretty out of it because of the drugs, in a lot of pain, and it was really hard being away from my boys. Thankfully I had already been pumping and storing milk in anticipation of going back to work, so Eli had food to eat. Every day has been a bit better. Thank goodness my mom came to help me with the kids for a few days, because I was not able to pick up or feed Eli until Tuesday afternoon. I still can't lift Max up for about another week, which is tough. Anyway, that is what I have been up to for the last few days. No pictures to post because I am sure no one wants to see the holes in my belly!!
Oh, my! I am glad you are okay! 2 little ones AND surgery....that is rough. Hang in there!
Holy MOLY! Does anyone call anybody anymore! Poop family! I am glad you are you are, sick and going to the emergency room while I am lounging by the pool in Vegas. Glad you are feeling better and that we will see you in a couple of weeks. XO
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