Friday, November 21, 2008

This is why I don't let the kids watch too much TV. . .

Look at these faces. . .


Mama J said...

What were they watching?

slyefamily said...

those faces look frighteningly familiar! my kids are zoners too!

albie dear said...

Hahahaha....that is why television is soooo cool! I mean, besides picking up his room or doing his chores one of the biggest arguments Harrison and I have is the television. He still has not convinced me of a really good reason to keep it on ALL OF THE TIME.
My goodness even though they look like television zombies...they are pretty darn cute. XO

albie dear said...

Jess, is the second blog poster who I think it is?!?!?! If so tell her to add me to her page so we can chatty chatty chat!

the main stitch upholstery said...

the boots on max still make me laugh. they are most of his legs. your boys are very handome jess. i am so happy that you have boys. i think they are soooo much fun.