Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Max, Elias and Eli

This past week we had my brother, his fiance, and her son down for a visit. Max and Elias are around the same age and love playing together. One reason we are so excited to move to Tahoe is because Davis, Liz and Elias are up there. It is great that Max will have a friend there, and it will be great for Rob and I to have someone to watch the kids sometimes so we can go out alone! :-) Below are some pics of Max, Elias and Eli.

My cute boys.

Max is very into sticks right now. When we go for walks he just has to stop and pick up stick after stick to hand to me. I end up with piles of sticks on the stroller. :-)
Elias and Max playing ball.

Max and Elias were very proud of themselves because they climbed this rock at the park.

Max and Elias ran around this tree about 25 times. It is great that these two can entertain each other. I can't wait until Eli is big enough to play with Max and Elias.

Cracking up at bathtime.

They are good buddies. They are going to have fun growing up together.

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