Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finally an Update!!

I have been so terrible lately about posting . . . and my friend Jacks called me out on it!!! Thanks, Jacks, for the kick in the butt I needed to get posting again. :-) All is well here, just busy spending time with the boys, while working on getting by new law practice together and getting ready to move. Needless to say, things have been a bit busy. The boys are doing great, although Max is definitely acting like he is two already. Yesterday, we were at the park and he had a great time playing until he started to get tired and cranky. So what does he do? He runs up to a 4 year old boy, bear hugs him from behind and BITES him on the back!!!! I almost died, and we hustled out of the park after I apologized profusely to the little boy and his mom. We left so fast that I left Max's soccer ball at the park!

And two days ago, Max jumped out of his crib for the first time. I couldn't believe it - but he is a little monkey. He was so mad at me because it was 6:30 in the morning and he had been whining for me to come get him out of bed for about 5 minutes. I was trying to ignore him because I was TIRED, and then he jumped out of the crib and started banging on his door yelling at me. When I went in there he was so mad and was pointing frantically at his diaper yelling "POO-POO!!!!" He had pooped, and apparently really wanted a diaper change. :-) That cracked me up.

Eli is doing great. He is so close to getting up onto his hands and knees. I really think he wll be crawling by Christmas. The poor pumpkin has been sick for about a week now, but is on the mend, I think. On Saturday night he had a 102 temparature and had a miserable night (as did I because I was so worried), and since then he hasn't had a temperature, but has a cough and runny nose. He sounds so pathetic too with his super scratchy voice. Poor little guy. I think he has turned a corner though, so that is good! Below are some pictures of the boys I took on my iPhone over the last few months! Enjoy!

Max happy and excited to be at the park. I don't think he bit anyone on this day! ;-)

My handsome little blue-eyed boy, Eli. I just want to smother him with kisses.
Max is such a crack up. This is at the park early in the morning. He like to smoosh his face against the plastic because it makes me laugh. What a crazy guy!

More fun at the park.

The boys swinging together. It is so neat that they can both be in the swings now. Eli just loves looking at Max next to him.

Max trying to hold Eli, but mostly squishing him instead.

Max looks like a little model in this picture, I think! :-) Very baby GQ.

Sweet Eli enjoying the swing!

What a handsome smile. You wouldn't know from looking at these photos that Max has been a little stinker lately!!!


Mama J said...

Thank you for posting : )
Clearly you have your hands full with everything but it's good to hear and see what you've been up to. Olivia is also going through the terrible twos (at least we hope it is the terrible twos). Completely loving and snuggly one minute then the biggest temper tantrum 1 minute later. It is difficult to know which things to give in to (the orange bowl rather than the blue bowl) and which things to enforce (wearing a coat to go outside). Still having fun though. Hope to be back in the US in the middle of next year.

slyefamily said...

its so nice to here some new news, and to know that my little stinker isn't the only one. seth is only a few weeks ahead of max, and is definately in that "i want my way or else" stage. it is so tiring sometimes to keep up consistency in discipline, but i look at my almost four year old and remember that someday it will be worth it not to quietly sneak away from the room while he smacks his sister on the head! well i hope so anyway. when do you guys move? anyway, love you!

lv, abigail :)