Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Project "Baby Eviction"

My sweet baby boy is getting so big. We have co-slept with Eli up till now, but he is getting so big that neither Rob nor I are sleeping very well anymore - with all the getting kicked and smacked in the face everytime Eli wakes up, and so on. So as of yesterday, we have moved Eli into Max's bedroom! Yep, the boys are now sharing a room at night and will also be sharing a bedroom in Tahoe. We had mixed results in project "baby eviction" last night. . . I let Eli fall asleep in my bed, and once Max had been asleep for a while transfered him into Max's room. Max woke up a bit and I could hear him saying "hi" to Eli a bunch over the monitor, but they both quickly went back to sleep. The problem came around 3 a.m. when Max woke up crying, which made Eli wake up and start to cry. It was too difficult to ignore both wailing boys, so Rob grabbed Eli and brought him back into our bed with the hopes that Max would go back to sleep. Nope! Max cried on and off for another hour. Needless to say, we got little sleep after 3 a.m. and are a little pooped today. We are trying again tonight, and I put Eli in Max's bedroom about 1/2 hour ago. Wish us luck, because it is SO nice not having a baby smacking me in the head all night. :-)

Below are some recent pictures of my big boy, Eli. So amazing to think he will be 7 months old in just a few days. Wow, time flies.

Eli is SO close to being able to crawl and can roll and scoot/pull himself quite some distance on the floor. . . . although he generally ends up scooting backwards.

1 comment:

slyefamily said...

he is so handsome! good luck on the transfer of sleeping babies.. mine are sharing a room for the first time too. they are finally adjusted...a month later! :)