Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend!

This has been a nice Labor Day weekend. On Saturday, Rob and I took the kids to Tomales Bay for a beach day. It was great to get somewhere new! The beach we went to was great and there were tons of families there. Max basically ran around playing with everyone else's toys. There were also hiking trails right off the beach and we went on a nice short hike later in the day. It was a long day for Max though - we got there around 11 a.m. and stayed until about 5 p.m. We hoped he would sleep in the little tent we brought, but he didn't and had a complete meltdown on the drive home after missing his nap.

On Sunday, my mom came for a visit. It was wonderful to have her here! We took the boys to the little farm and for a hike in the afternoon. It was fun going there with the boys and my mom. Max was extremely excited to see my mom and had a great time seeing the animals. I have a ton of cute pictures to post later - but need to download them first! And the best part was that mom watched the kids in the evening and Rob and I actually got to go out to dinner together! Yay!

Today both Rob and I both had to work (so much for Labor Day!). Boo! But we alternated watching the boys and working and it has been a good day. I'll post pictures later.


the main stitch upholstery said...

i had to work on labor day also, but i left 2 hours early so it was still nice. i was home by 4:30. love the pics of the kids.

Mama J said...

Isn't that the point? It is called LABOR day!