Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Wonderful Sunday

Today was just about a perfect day. After the kids woke up and we had breakfast, we decided to take Max to the steam trains in Tilden Park. He loves trains, so we thought this would be a fun thing for him. I think he had a great time! Eli got a little bit scared when the train horn blew, and I ended up having to nurse him for the second half of the ride. After we rode the steam train a few times we went over to the Botanical Garden area and had a picnic. It was really nice. Max was so pooped out after our morning, he ended up taking almost a three hour nap. After his nap we went to the Lafayette reservoir for the afternoon. I jogged the three mile loop with Eli while Rob played with Max at the playground. Below are some pictures from our day.

The Steam Train is a great little 10-minute train ride through the redwoods in Tilden Park. Max must have yelled "choo-choo" fifty times during the ride. He LOVES trains.

Sitting in the train getting ready for our ride.

This is our little picnic site. Super peaceful.

Eli napped during our entire picnic. :-) The steam train tired him out.

Max was happy because there were blackberry bushes nearby.

The boys!

1 comment:

Mama J said...

That's so funny. You read my blog and live a jet-set life vicariously and I read your blog and look enviously at the little farm, grassy fields, and pic-nics. I am living a California lifestyle vicariously through you!