Monday, September 8, 2008

Photographer Max

I wanted to get this on the blog before too much time goes by and I forget. . . . yes, my blog is basically my scrapbook of kid stuff and is the only way I will remember details of these times later!

Max is pretty much obsessed with stealing our digital camera and taking pictures. It's pretty cute, except for when I try to take the camera away and he throws a huge fit. :-) The first time he got ahold of the camera was when we were in Tahoe going on a walk. Below are some of Max's shots (the ones that don't have his fingers in them!) - and I've also included a video of what happened when I took the camera away. :-) Enjoy!

This shot is actually pretty good! These are the little wildflowers that Max spent a lot of time smelling. He loves picking and smelling flowers.

A nice, artistic shot of the sky . . .

A nice, artistic shot of my booty. . . :-) I cracked up when I went back and looked at the pictures Max had taken. I normally wouldn't post pictures of my behind, but I thought Max's shots were too funny not to share.

It's interesting to see what I look like from Max's perspective! I am a GIANT!


James, Mollie, Caryes, Wesley, and Gavin said...

Those pictures are hysterical!!! Thanks for the good laugh!

the main stitch upholstery said...

thank you for catching up your blog. i had a great time looking at all the pics. good to see pics of your mama too. it has been since your wedding that i've seen her. the boys and i are going to visit amber and harrison on on the 26 and 27 of this month. we will take all of the kids to disneyland. mine have never been. you have a great looking family jessica. you are a lucky woman.