Sunday, March 29, 2009

Max knows how to make us feel bad!

Today was another nice and mellow day. Rob and I took the boys for a long walk this morning, and then Eli and I went to Carson City to grocery shop, while Max and Rob went to play frisbee golf with Davis and Elias (Max's cousin). Eli and I had a lot of fun, and Rob said that Max loved playing frisbee golf with Elias and they played together the entire time. Max is a crazy kid - I don't think I've posted it yet, but Max has chipped off a large portion of one of his front teeth. I was doing laundry last week and he thought it was very fun to dive into the huge pile of clothes; well, on his last head-first dive he missed the clothes and landed face first onto the hardwood floor. It was painful to hear, and sure enough, a huge chip cracked off. I guess it's only fitting on Max - he's a crazy dude. :-)

In other news. . . this evening, Max said something that just made Rob and I feel so bad!!!! Max was in his high chair and apparently done eating and started throwing his pasta on the ground. Rob told Max to stop, and he looked at Rob, held out his hand and THREW more pasta. So, Rob lightly smacked him on his hand and said "don't throw pasta!" Max, of course, starts crying hystercially and after about a minute, tearfully says "Don't, dada!" Then Rob says, "don't what, Max?" Then Max said, "Don't hit me, dada!" This made us feel HORRIBLE! I can't believe he even knows how to put this sentence together. Well, another minute later he was back to his normal, happy self. But, geez!

Some pics from the tot spot last week.

Max just dives right in to the ball pit every time. I'm sure that soon he will be doing flips into the ball pit. :-)

Eli loves the ball pit too!


slyefamily said...

oh boy, how do they instinctively know what will break our hearts? At least he didn't swat back at your hand! :)

albie dear said...

Oh Jess...don't let him do it to you...even though we all feel awful for little taps on the hand and the occasional smack bottoms you have to stand your ground...which you did...Max is a smart boy and will learn how to hit your soft will say the darndest things and at times make you look like a giant jerk....but Max is 2 not 32...and his way of getting pissed and speaking his mind is to put those sentences together and make you feel like you have done something wrong...if Max said that to me i would have replied with..."well we don't throw pasta on the floor...if that is where you like it then you can eat it there too..." and I say this because I know your floor is clean. Hahaha...hang in is just the beginning...just wait till he tells you that he doesn't love you....that is a good one.

the main stitch upholstery said...

i'm past the spanking phase (mostly), but i used a wooden spoon and i agree to stand your groud. you will win all the time if you don't let him break your heart. i get the "i don't love you" on a regular basis, but it is always just out of stubborness. they come around as soon as they are done being mad and say "i love you" much more often. you are doing great it sounds like and i love the pics.