Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Boys Hanging Out

Here is a cute video of the boys hanging out one morning. They were both munching on some bagels and watching Max's Mighty Machine's video while I was making breakfast. I heard them laughing with each other so I had to run in with the camera. :-) Max LOVES his "truck" video, as he calls it. It's basically a video of trucks, bulldozers, and other things like that working. . . . I don't really get the appeal, but whatever makes the kids happy and allows me to cook breakfast!! :-) I love that these boys get along well. It makes me so happy knowing that they will always have each other.

1 comment:

slyefamily said...

Okay, that video makes me want to get our kiddos together SO badly!! They are so sweet together. Isn't it great to have two kids that love each other so much!