Saturday, March 21, 2009

At Grandma and Grandpa's House

Below are a few cute pictures of the boys at my parents place. Rob and I had a nice weekend away and the boys stayed with my parents. We came back Sunday afternoon and had a fun time playing with them on my parents' property. The boys are getting so big. I think Eli is saying "mama" and "dada" although it is difficult to tell if he means us! :-) He tends to yell "mama!!" when he cries and when he is happy he starts saying "dada, dada. . . " Not sure what that is all about. :-)

Poor Eli has four teeth coming in right now (his four top middle ones) and I can tell it's hurting him a bit. The last few nights he has been up a lot, upset and in pain and just wanting me to hold him. Poor pumpkin. He's not quite walking yet, although he can walk around when he is pushing a walker. He's a speedy crawler though!

Max just amazes me daily with the new things he does and says. He can say just about anything now, can sing his ABC's, and can count to 10. He also wants to do everything himself and has a very strong opinion about what he wants us to do - I'm always hearing "no, mama, THIS way!" or "no, mama, THIS one!" or "no, mama, I do it!" He is also the sweetest big brother in the entire world. Today when I put Eli down for a nap, he didn't really want to go down and started crying. Max and I were downstairs and Max yelled "oh no, baby!!" and then took off running up the stairs to go comfort Eli. What a sweetie.

Max and Rob taking a walk. Max loves being outside and would play outside all day if we would let him.

Playing in the leaves. . .

Could he be any cuter?? :-) I know I'm biased, but still!

Rob, Max and Uncle Davis. Davis's daughter, Olive, is due to be born next week. We can't wait to meet her.

Max throwing rocks in the lake. He pretty much threw every rock he could find, then moved on to the firewood!

My sweet, happy, boy. Eli is such a big boy now. He loves drinking out of a sippy cup like Max - and I have even seen him grab a normal, big person cup and drink out of that! Most of it got spilled, of course, but he did it!

Eli and Max both love dogs. We really need to get one for these boys, but the thought of training one is daunting right now. But I sure love seeing the boys play with my parents dogs, Elvis and Pressly. :-) The dogs look very similar, so Max calls them both "pessly."

I LOVE this picture.

The boys!

They both have such funny looks on their faces here. . . . I love it.

Throwing rocks again. I need to teach this boy to swim this summer. . . he has no fear of water, which is scary sometimes.

Look at these red curls!! I think it's almost time for a haircut again.

1 comment:

slyefamily said...

I remember when "mama" meant I am sad and "dada" meant I am happy...kinda felt jipped out of the deal until I realized that he wanted me when he needed comfort, then I melted!
Your kids are TOO adorable! You're doing a great job with them!