Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Quick Update

Work has been so busy the past few weeks for both Rob and I, so I have been terrible about taking pictures and posting on our blog. My friend, Kim, just sent a link to some pictures she took of Max and her beautiful daughter, Sienna, in their backyard a few weeks ago. I can't post them all because the kids were running around naked, but I just had to share this adorable picture of Max. The kids are doing great - Eli is the happiest, cutest little baby ever. He is growing so quickly and has mastered the art of rolling over from his back to his front (he started doing that about three weeks ago). His new favorite thing is his jumparoo and, if we would let him, he would jump in it for hours. We have to now limit it because we DID let him jump around in it for hours and then he had a raw tushie. Max is just turning into such a big boy, and is working on new words all the time - we got him to say please for the first time this weekend, although it sounded more like "peas." His two favorite things right now are animals and trains. He absolutely loves his choo-choo books and we have to read them to him ALL the time. Anyway, that is my quick post of what is going on with the kids. Will post more later when life is not so crazy busy!


albie dear said...

How cute! XOXOXO

the main stitch upholstery said...

he is reaching for the basket. good ball skills. are you doing naked potty training. i let mine run around naked when they were doing it and taught them outside to pee on trees so we didn't have accidents in the house.