Saturday, December 5, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

 We had a really nice Thanksgiving holiday at my parents. The boys love going there and the weather was beautiful. Rob took the boys out on the pond in a canoe, and Max and I rode around the property in 4-wheelers. It was great! Uncle Richard and Dylan were in town as well, which was really nice. My mom and I braved the black Friday shopping and woke up at 5 a.m. to his the outlet mall. It was actually a super fun time! I have to say that this whole owning my own law practice has been fantastic - I was able to take the entire four-day weekend and not think about or do work at all! :-) It was great to be able to just focus on family and shopping. ;-) Below are some pictures from our Thanksgiving holiday.

1 comment:

slyefamily said...

I love how Max's hair is flying in the picture of you two!