Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gross Max Story - Which I Fully Plan To Use To Embarrass Him Someday

I can't believe it is December!  Where does the time go?  The boys continue to grow at a ridiculously fast pace, and are both talking like crazy and saying and doing new things that constantly amaze and delight me (and some times disturb me!).  One story to share, which I look forward to sharing with Max when he is old enough to laugh his booty off about it, is our trip to McDonalds last week.  Instead of just writing it all out, I've just cut and pasted a funny thread from my friend Sarah's facebook page below that tells the story. . . . Enjoy.  :-) 

December 1 at 7:20pm:  Sarah Lofgren:  is cooking a late dinner...pot roast and herb-leek-gruyere potato gratin. The winter pounds are piling up! 

December 1 at 7:23  Jessica Woelfel:  Sounds better than my night! I took the kids to McDonalds and Max pooped in the tunnel, took all of his clothes off up there and refused to come down. I had to climb up there with wipes to clean all the mess up and then walk my naked poopy son out of there. Lovely.

December 1 at 7:23pm · Ricardo Martinez:  my mouth is watering!

December 1 at 7:37pm:  Sarah Lofgren:  OMG-Jess!! That is awful and soooooo f-ing funny. Dave and I are laughinfg our asses off! I guess Max really does poop everywhere.

December 1 at 7:42pm:  Sarah Lofgren:  Oh-and now I am never going to let Hunter play at another McD's playland ever again :-)

December 1 at 7:44pm:  Ann Marie Taheny Seefeldt:  I too am laughing my A off.. and I don't even know Jessica! The placement of Ricardo's comment in this list is also priceless! I've always fought my husband's neuroses about letting the kids play in those things.. he always has been disgusted by the germs.. unfortunately I was laughing so loud over here I had to tell him why.. and now our kids will probably never see another play structure :-)

December 1 at 8:11pm:  Jessica Woelfel:  Sorry, Anne-Marie's children and Hunter for ruining your future McDonald's playland trips! ;-). But I too won't be going there anymore - I'm too embarrassed (and grossed out)!

December 1 at 8:29pm · Erin Anthony Howard:  This whole threaded post has us laughing our a$$e$ off....This is classic....and I am no longer hungry!!!! ~A.

December 1 at 8:42pm:  Stephanie Mullen:  Jessica! this is hysterical...Max loves to poop doesn't he. Was Eli with you?

December 1 at 9:39pm:  Bridgette Gangitano:  Too bad this wasn't caught on video, it would be perfect for the tv show "America's funniest caught on video" (called something like that)! LOL!!!!!!

December 1 at 10:01pm:  Tina Hoy-Barnwell:  OMG, Sarah I so had food envy then read this post laughed outloud, woke Gunnar up and was glad I didn't want to snack after reading it!!!! So glad Jessica shared, needed the laugh!!!

December 1 at 10:48pm:  Isaac Marr:  Priceless. We can testify to Max's pooping ability. He dropped a deuce at our house once. Just marking territory.

1 comment:

Mama J said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Olivia has yet to discover the delights of the golden arches (more to do with the fact that she only eats macaroni and hotdogs than me being a discerning mother!) and now, should she ever get to go, I will ensure that it either has no play structure or we do the drive through! LMAO