In other news. . . this evening, Max said something that just made Rob and I feel so bad!!!! Max was in his high chair and apparently done eating and started throwing his pasta on the ground. Rob told Max to stop, and he looked at Rob, held out his hand and THREW more pasta. So, Rob lightly smacked him on his hand and said "don't throw pasta!" Max, of course, starts crying hystercially and after about a minute, tearfully says "Don't, dada!" Then Rob says, "don't what, Max?" Then Max said, "Don't hit me, dada!" This made us feel HORRIBLE! I can't believe he even knows how to put this sentence together. Well, another minute later he was back to his normal, happy self. But, geez!
Some pics from the tot spot last week.
Max just dives right in to the ball pit every time. I'm sure that soon he will be doing flips into the ball pit. :-)