Saturday, April 26, 2008

Darn Computer Problems

Sorry for no new posts in the last few days. . . . this laptop that I have is giving me big problems. I think it is time for a new one. So, this is going to be a short post with no photos because this computers battery is about to die and it won't keep a charge. Ugh!!!

Other than computer problems, my big news is that we are scheduled to go in and have this baby on Wednesday! Crazy!! We have scheduled the induction because of my blood pressure and because I had such a fast labor with Max (and we don't want to have a baby in the car if I go into labor naturally). Hopefully I can figure out the computer situation before Wednesday so I can post photos of Eli when he gets here! Send us good thoughts on Wednesday for a fast, safe and painless labor. :-)

1 comment:

albie dear said...

I cannot wait to "see" and meet my new nephew! Good luck, we will be thinking about for the next few days...XOXOXO to all. ~Amber