Saturday, January 17, 2009

Are these the cutest kids ever??

I've been terrible about posting since the Christmas holiday. We have been busy trying to get settled in, get the kids into a routine and get fully unpacked. We are getting there. . . slowly but surely. Rob and I are really happy to be living in Tahoe. It's absolutely beautiful, and we love having a healthier, happier lifestyle. The kids seem to be adjusting well too. We have found some great places to take them to play, and I am meeting some other moms with kids Max and Eli's age. It's been nice! On the work front, things seem to be coming together. I am having a website built and can't wait to see the final product. I also recently found out I was accepted to be on the Eastern District's appeals and habeas panel, which I am very excited about! I was also asked to give a presentation to a group of moms in February on Estate Planning issues, so that will be fun. The boys are getting so big - I can't believe Max is going to be two in less than a month. He is talking like crazy and is communicating so well. We are thinking of getting him a snowboard and starting to teach him this winter (especially since his new babysitter is also a snowboard instructor!). I also can't believe how big Eli is. He is a crawling machine, and is now pulling himself up!! My big boy.


slyefamily said...

seth turned 2 yesterday! Isn't it crazy!!!

albie dear said...

They are pretty darn cute. time is goodness...2 years old...and Eli will be one soon...holy cow.

James, Mollie, Caryes, Wesley, and Gavin said...

I've been wondering when you would put Max on a snow board. How cute is that going to be?!?