Thursday, February 12, 2009

Holy Cow - Max Turns Two Tomorrow!

I can't believe my big boy is turning two tomorrow. Amazing. Max is such a big guy now - he has a huge vocabulary, loves to sing and is such an active guy. New words come out of his mouth every day. Right now, he loves to sing the "abc's," "the wheels on the bus," "old mcdonald," and the "thomas the train" theme song. Sometimes in the morning I hear him singing to himself while he's in his crib - I love it! I'll just hear him bust out with an "E-I-E-I-OHHHHHHH," or some other fun tune. :-) Right now he is also loving skiing. Today, when Rob asked Max what he wanted to do for his birthday, Max said "I want to ski. Ski all day, dada." He has also figured out how to crawl OUT of his crib very quickly and quietly, and for the last week and a half has scared the crap out of me on numerous occasions by coming into my room in the middle of the night and standing there looking at me until I woke up! There is now a crib tent on his crib keeping him in.

Yep, all has been really well with us and we are very happily adjusted to Tahoe life. We are so happy the kids are doing great, and my law practice also seems to be picking up. I met with the three Tahoe judges in the last few weeks to introduce myself, and this week I was appointed as conflict counsel by the court in two cases. So exciting! Eli is also doing great. He is getting so big, and is getting his third tooth right now. Not quite walking yet, but he wants to very badly!

Below are some photos of all of us on one of our recent walks to the meadow. Enjoy!

My gorgeous boy hiking in the snow.

Jumping off a log together. Max loves to get on a log and say "one, two, three, go!" then jump.

I love this shot - the sky is so moody looking. Max loves exploring and kept leading the way on our walks. The kid is a leader - not a follower! :-)

My snuggly boy, Eli.

Max found this cool fort to play in.

Heading to the fort.


albie dear said...

Lovely pictures...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAX! Tell your Mom to check her voicemail...we left you a message. xo.

slyefamily said...

Wow...happy birthday big boy!! By the way, Seth loves to jump off of things too. thankfully he hasn't found a way out of the crib yet! :>