Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Day

Today is Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Day.  On this day, I just want to take a moment to thank everyone that has been there for us during this crazy time in our lives.  I think I can speak for both Rob and I when I say that it has been the most difficult, painful and emotional several months of our lives.  In spite of that, in many ways (and I know it sounds weird) these last few months have also provided some of the best, most eye-opening times of our life. 

I think that you never really appreciate the depth of your love for your family, or your families love for you, until something awful happens.  This diagnosis, and the ten days we spent in Oakland at the hospital, has made me hold my kids tighter, hug them longer, and appreciate the everyday "normalness" of our day-to-day life.  It has also made me appreciate my parents and my in-laws more than I did before.  They have been there for us wholeheartedly since we received Stella's diagnosis.  I know it must be incredibly hard for them to watch their children and grandchildren go through this awful thing, and they have been pillars of strength for us.  We are blessed. 

Through this, Rob and I have been able to witness a strength of character that we didn't know it was possible for a two year old to possess.  Stella has been so amazingly strong.  She has been through more in the last three months than I, or just about anyone I know, has been through in their lifetime.  In just the past three months she has dealt with a serious brain surgery, has had seven MRI's, chemo, nausea, facial paralysis, and she has been poked and prodded with painful needles more than any child should be.  These things have been scary for her, but she has rebounded from each with an amazingly upbeat attitude.  I truly don't know how she does it.  She has also demonstrated a sweet, caring heart.  Stella has been the recipient of so many sweet gifts, and we have been taking them to chemo every week to keep her entertained.  She happily shares her art supplies, stickers and other items with the other children to help brighten their day at chemo.  It has been pretty amazing to watch her spread happiness to other children going through tough times. 

We have also been blown away by the support of our friends and community.  While we probably look like we have it (sort of) together to others, this has been an extremely difficult time.  During this time, we have felt so loved and supported by so many and we will never be able to adequately express our thanks.  We had friends that came to the hospital to be with us during the scariest of times and just wanted to be there. . . no words necessary.  We had friends that we haven't talked to in YEARS reach out to us to offer us a place to stay, friends that brought us meals, friends that have sent emails and messages of encouragement and support, friends and acquaintances who have shared personal and similar stories in order to give us hope, and friends and neighbors that understand that this hasn't been easy on Max and Eli (Eli especially) and have taken a special interest in watching out for them.  Stella has received prayers from friends and people we have never even met all over the world.  She has had entire churches praying for her (wow!).  These things have meant the world to us.   

So, while I wish this was not happening to Stella and our family, we are going to continue to press forward and keep focusing on the GOOD.  Thank you to our family, friends and community for being there for us.  xoxoxoxoxo

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