Saturday, November 12, 2011

Time flies when you're having fun!

Not sure where the time goes!  I guess it goes by quickly when juggling three kids and a full time job!!  Max, Eli and Stella are all doing great and are such terrific kids.  Stella is almost 6 months old now and is the sweetest, easiest baby.  Since my last post we moved into a new house, and I started back to work when Stella was 9 weeks old.  I had such a fun maternity leave in Tahoe with her.  We went on a ton of hikes and had a wonderful summer.  Since being back at work we have fallen into a good routine, and we are very lucky to have my  mom watching Stella while I am at work.  The boys just switched preschools a few weeks ago and really seem to enjoy their new school - although we were sad to leave their old school after many good years.  Below are a few recent pictures of the kiddos. 

1 comment:

cambodia-travel said...

Lots of beautiful photos..I really like ur blog!

Happy New Year 2012!

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